Colonic Irrigation
The Surrey Clinic Wallington offers The ultimate body detox!
The stresses of living in modern society and the western diet provide excellent conditions for toxic waste build up. The average person can contain 5-15 pounds (2-7 kilograms) of waste matter. When waste and toxins accumulate, the body reaches a state of toxicity.
Colon Hydrotherapy or Colonic Irrigation is a warm internal bath that deeply cleanses the colon of toxins, gas and faecal matter. It is the ultimate body detox.
Benefits of Colon Hydrotherapy include...
Clearing out the waste matter and enabling the colon to function effectively again. By exercising the colon, muscle tone is improved, stimulating more regular bowel movements, facilitating good bacteria production and improved absorption of nutrients.
Healthier hair and skin, a clearer complexion, a stronger immune system, boosted metabolism and better overall energy are often reported.
During your colonic it is the large bowel that is being cleansed. The large bowel is approximately 1.5 metres (5 feet) long and 6.5 cm (2.5 inches) in diameter. It is an extremely important organ and has an extensive role and influence on the body and it's various systems.
These include the completion of food absorption, elimination of toxins from the liver and lymphatic system and providing an environment for the ‘Friendly or good bacteria'. The good bacteria fight infection and disease, are involved in the formation and expulsion of faeces expulsion and the production of certain vitamins.
Colonic Irrigation can help with symptoms such as:
(The ‘*' denotes signs of toxicity)
Colonic Treatments at The Surrey Clinic
Our Clinic has three Colonic suites equipped with en-suite toilets. We ensure your treatment is clean, safe & professional. Disposable kits are used at the clinic. The Colonic Hydrotherapist team is nurse-led and all therapists are highly experienced in their fields.
Appointments are for males and females, and evening and weekend sessions are available. We are open from Monday to Saturdays for Colonic Irrigation appointments. The evening and weekend appointments are the most popular, so please book early to avoid disappointment. Should you require an appointment outside of the normal opening hours of the clinic, please contact Reception and we will endeavour to accommodate you.
Colon Hydrotherapy Prices
All colonic appointments require a non-refundable £20 deposit to secure your booking. If you need to reschedule your appointment we require 24 hours notice. If you fail to give 24 hours notice your deposit will be lost as we are unable to fill the booking at this short notice. All deposits are non-refundable unless deemed unsuitable for treatment after consultation. All packages purchased are non-refundable. In addition, if you are late for an appointment you will only receive the allocated time left for the appointment; you will not be entitled to the full treatment time.
All colonic packages of three plus sauna sessions need to be used within 6 months of purchase date. All packages are non-transferable.
Should you find cheaper alternatives please ask if they use disposable colonic kits and how experienced they are. It is essential to be fully confident that you will receive a safe and professional service. You can be assured at The Surrey Clinic that you will be in experienced hands and your time with us will be positive